Cholesterol Research:

Check out the latest cholesterol research as it relates to various diseases.

Heart Disease

Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease—Fishing for a Natural Treatment. British Medical Journal, 2004

Plant-Based Foods and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: An Overview. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003

Dietary -Linolenic Acid Reduces Inflammatory and Lipid Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Hypercholesterolemic Men and Women. Journal of Nutrition, 2004

Quanitfying the Effects of Statins on LDL Cholesterol, Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke. British Medical Journal, 2003

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Antithrombotic Therapy in Periperal Vascular Disease. British Medical Journal, 2002


Quanitfying the Effects of Statins on LDL Cholesterol, Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke. British Medical Journal, 2003

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This page was last updated on 10/7/06.